Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved but never been able to reach.
The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is possible, it is yours.
Heyaa!! I know I haven't been on here in a long, LOONG time, ha, sorry about that. Loads of things have happened since last time I wrote- july 2012. Was on a family vacation to Miami after finishing up 2nd year of uni, woop woop. Parents got divorced at the end of september- went through in november, a couple of feeks after my mom and brother had moved out of the house. Went back to being a redhead. Started my 3rd and final year as a nursing student. Seen Tyler Hilton, Dion Roy, Evanescence AND The Used live here in London, was on front row for all of it ofcourse!! Christmas, new year back in Sweden. Went back to being blonde-haired. Got an A on my first level 6 essay (!!!!). Am on placement right now. And OH, gotten my first, second AND third tattoo- first in august, second and third in december when I was back in Sweden for the holidays, love 'em all!!

I promise to be more active from now on, and I will try my best to stick by my promise!!